Catskill Mountaineer

Camping at Mud Pond

Mud Pond
View of the Mud Pond - Taken from the foot of the pond by the dam


  Name: Mud Pond
  Trail Name:   Trout Pond Trail
  Trail Name:   Mud Pond Trail
  Trail Name:   Mud Pond Middle Trail
  Forest: Delaware Wild Forest
  Parking Area : 15+ spaces (DEC) directly off Russell Brook Road
  Winter Access: Russell Brook Road / Morton Hill Road PA
  Lean-to sites: None
  Campsites : 8 around Mud Pond Region
  Views : Beautiful view of the lake
  Access : Foot Trails to ALL campsites
  Size : 26 Acres
  Boats : Canoe or kayak
  DEC Trail Map: DEC Delaware Wild Forest Map (free)

  Fishing Rules : DEC Statewide Fishing Regulations apply to Mud Pond

  USGS Map: USGS Roscoe Quad Maps

  Digital Mapper: Topo     Terrain     Satellite

Maps of Mud Pond

Map of the Mud Pond in the Delaware Wild Forest


Notes About Camping at Mud Pond

  You will need to hike to all of the campsites around the Mud Pond region. The nearest campsite is 1/4 mile away. The farthest campsite is just over 2 miles away. The trails to get the Mud Pond are on old dirt roads. These campsites are not suitable for those with a movement disability. It is recommended that you have a backpack to carry your tent, sleeping bag, and supplies to the campsite. All the campsites have access to water. The water must be purified before drinking or cooking.

  The campsites at Mud Pond are defined by the DEC as Primitive Campsites. This means there are no amenities, such as, potable water, bathrooms, showers, etc. All the campsites are free, and available on a first-come-first-serve basis. If the maximum capacity of the campsite has not been met, you must share the campsite with other parties. You cannot claim a particular campsite as yours alone if space is available.

Black Bears exist everywhere in the Catskill Mountains. We very rarely see them during the day. At night, they come down to the campsites looking for food and scraps that people leave out. Make sure you read the section on Black Bears at the bottom of the page to mitigate your risk. Rattlesnakes are very rarely seen in this region. We do not know anyone who has seen one, but the DEC says that they could exist there. Therefore, you should always sleep in a tent.

Campsites by the water have more problems with Black Flies and mosquitoes, but have better views and access to Mud Pond.

  The depth of Mud Pond is not known. Mud Pond has a man-made dam at the foot of the pond. It is a stone foundation about 10 feet high. Water drains out of the bottom of the dam.

  In the busy summer months, this region of the Delaware Wild Forest is very busy. And, you will likely have a problem finding a place to park your vehicle. With 20+ campsites in the region, you are likely to have a problem with parking. If your group can car pool, that would benefit you and others.

  There is limited cell phone service in some parts of the region (as of 2023).


DIRECTIONS to the Russell Brook Road Parking from Exit 19 (Kingston)

  • Russell Brook Road (DEC) - WGS84 (DEC): 41.9943, -74.94155 - Elevation is approximately 1,832'
  • Russell Brook Road (DEC) - Deg/Min/Sec: N41 59 39, W74 56 29 - Elevation is approximately 1,832'
  • Russell Brook Road (DEC) - GPS: N 41 59.658, W 74 56.493 - Elevation is approximately 1,832'
  • Russell Brook Road (DEC) - UTM: 18N 504841 4649145 - Elevation is approximately 1,832'

  • Get off New York State Thruway at Exit 19 (Kingston).
  • Take a RIGHT out of the NYS Thruway onto Route 28 West.
  • Go approximately 46.4 miles on Rt 28 West
  • Take a LEFT onto Rt 30
  • Go approximately 19.9 miles on Rt 30 around the Pepecton Reservoir
  • Take a LEFT onto Rt 206 (Cat Hollow Road)
  • Go approximately 2.8 on Rt 206
  • Take a RIGHT onto Jug Tavern Road
  • Go approximately 1.5 on Rt 206
  • Take a LEFT onto Campbell Mountain Road
  • Go approximately 0.4 on Campbell Mountain Road
  • Take a LEFT onto Morton Hill Road
  • Go approximately 2.7 on Morton Hill road
  • Take a RIGHT onto Russell Brook Road
  • Go approximately 1.7 on Russell Brook Road
  • Take a RIGHT into Russell Brook Parking Area (directly off road)
  • NOTE: There two other places to park along side Russell Brook Road
  • NOTE: In the Winter you can park on the corner of Morton Hill Road & Russell Brook
  • Camping & Hiking at Mud Pond

    The Russell Brook Road Parking Area next to the Trout Pond Trailhead
    Next to the Trout Pond Trailhead is the Russell Brook Road Parking Area.

    The DEC Registration Box is next to the Kiosk. Make sure you register for your hike. If you are injured or lost, Rangers will use this information to find you quicker. The more people who register, the more money is allocated for maintenance of the trails at this trailhead.
    The Trout Pond Trailhead
    This is the Trout Pond Trailhead, that is just below the parking area. This trail will take you to both the middle and upper trailhead of Mud Pond Trail.
    heavy-duty bridge over Russell Brook on the Mud Pond - Long Loop
    About 500 feet past the Trout Pond Trailhead is a heavy-duty bridge over the Russell Brook. It can be quite icy when the temperatures are near or below freezing. If the temperatures have been near or below freezing make sure you bring microspikes.
    Russell Brook Falls off the Trout Pond Trail
    About 150 past the trail junction to heavy-duty bridge, is an unmarked trail on your RIGHT. That unmarked trail will take you to the base of lower Russell Brook Falls. The Russell Brook Falls are 150 feet from the Trout Pond Trail. Some consider this one of the highlights of this hike.

    You can see the upper part of Russell Brook Falls from Russell Brook Road.
    trail junction for the Middle Mud Pond Trail and Trout Pond Trail
    After visiting Russell Brook Falls, return back to the Trout Pond Trail. After a couple hundred feet, you will come to this Trail Junction. You want to take a LEFT onto Mud Pond Trail (middle trail). Unfortunately there is not a sign telling you which trail is the one you want.

    Straight will take you to the Campsite #1 and later to Trout Pond.
    bridge on the middle Mud Pond Trail
    About 200 feet down the Middle Mud Pond Trail, you will come to this Wooden Bridge. Continue over the bridge.
    campsite #2 at Mud Pond
    Just after you go over the bridge you will see Campsite #2 on your right.
    climbing up the Middle Mud Pond Trail climb up the Middle Mud Pond Trail
    Just after Campsite #2, the trail will turn to the left and start to climb up the hill
    After you get up a ways, the trail will turn to the right and continue to climb up the hill.
    Mud Pond Mud Pond
    When you reach the Conifer Forest, the incline of the trail will start to level off.
    After leaving the conifer forest, the trail will level off.
    campsite #1 at Mud Pond
    After hiking up the Middle Mud Pond Trail for 9/10 of a mile, you will come to a trail junction. If you want to stay at campsites #4 to #8, continue STRAIGHT.

    If you want to stay at Campsite #3, you will need to leave the trail and bushwhack down to the campsite. Take a 90 degree LEFT at this trail junction and start hiking through the forest. You should see flagging on branches, or see a trail forming. Mud Pond Campsite #3 is the hardest to find. The trail on your right will take you to the head of Trout Lake in almost 2 miles.
    campsite #1 at Mud Pond
    This is Campsite #1. It is located about 1/4 miles north of the Middle Mud Pond Trailhead.
    campsite #2 at Mud Pond
    This is This is Campsite #2. It is located near the beginning of the Eastern Trailhead of the Middle Mud Pond Trail. Just after you go over the wooden bridge on your right.
    campsite #3 at Mud Pond
    This is This is Campsite #3. It is located on the eastern side of Mud Pond. As of 2023, you needed to bushwhack to the campsite. It does NOT have a campsite marker on the trees.

    You would start at the Trail Junction of Middle Mud Pond Trail and Mud Pond Trail. Take a 90 degree turn to the left and bushwhack into the woods. There is construction tape flagging on the trees to guide the way. Hopefully soon, a trail will become established to make it easier to get there. The campsite is 10 feet from the eastern shoreline of Mud Pond.
    campsite #4 at Mud Pond
    This is Campsite #4. It is located on the northeastern side of Mud Pond. It is about 30 feet from the edge of the Mud Pond Trail. Most hikers walk a little further, and then take a left at the trail opening, and then walk back to the campsite. It has access to the northern side of Mud Pond.
    this is a handicap campsite. Listed on map as campsite #5 at Mud Pond
    This is Campsite #5. It is located on the northern side of Mud Pond. The trail to the campsite is past the old stone and concrete foundation ruins. The campsite is located about 75 from the shoreline of Mud Pond.

    campsite #6 at Mud Pond
    This is Campsite #6. It is located on the western side of Mud Pond. After you take a 90 degree turn on Mud Pond Trail, the trail to campsite #6 is about 3/10 of a mile away. There is a White Campsite Marker on the tree (left side of Mud Pond Trail). The campsite is located in a small conifer forest on the western edge of Mud Pond.
    campsite #7 at Mud Pond
    This is Campsite #7. It is located on the southwestern side of Mud Pond. After you make the 90 degree turn on Mud Pond Trail, the trail to Campsites #7 and #8 are a little less then a 1/2 mile down the lower Mud Pond Trail. This campsite is located very close to the edge of the shoreline and dam of Mud Pond.

    Campsite #7 offers some of the best views of Mud Pond. As you look at the Mud Pond, the sun will be at your back, and will provide the clearest view of the pond.
    campsite #8 at Mud Pond
    This is Campsite #8. It is located on the southeastern side of Mud Pond. After you make the 90 degree turn on Mud Pond Trail, the trail to Campsites #7 and #8 are a little less then a 1/2 mile down the lower Mud Pond Trail. After you reach Campsite #7 on the southwestern corner of Mud Pond and the Mud Pond Dam, take a right and hike over the dam. Once over the dam, take a right and hike about 50 feet past the outflow of Mud Pond Dam.

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