Catskill Mountaineer

Hike the Cathedral Glen Trail

Cathedral Glen Reservoir in Pine Hill NY
Pine Hill NY Reservoir and water supply for the Town.


  Type of Trail: 68% DEC Trails - 30% DEC Roads - 2% Railroad (Owned by Ulster County) tracks
  Parking Area : DEC land for approximately 10 cars in multiple places
  Lean-To: (1) Lean-to located 1/4 mile west of the end of the trail. 2.55 miles from PA)
  Winter Access: Parking Area is Plowed.
  Winter Access: When snow is present, must wear snowshoes (no "post-holing" with hiking boots on ski center property)
  Trail #1: Cathedral Glen Trail - 2.04 miles- BLUE Trail Markers
  Trail #2: Belleayre Ridge - 0.27 miles - RED Trail Markers
  Trail #3: Woodchuck Hollow Trail miles - 3.28- BLUE Trail Markers
  All Trails: 5.59 total miles
  Access Methods: Foot and Snowshoe
  Best Time to Hike: Any time of year
  Difficulty: Moderate
  USGS Map: USGS Westkill Quad Maps
  USGS Map: USGS Shandaken Quad Maps
  DEC Trail Map: DEC Shandaken Wild Forest Map (free)
  Digital Mapper: Topo      Terrain      Satellite
  UTM Shandaken: DEC Unit Management Plan for Shandaken Wild Forest


map of Rochester Hollow in Shandaken Wild Forest


The land (just before Bonnie View Ave turns into a one-lane road) is owned by the DEC. And, all the land to the DEC pump house is New York State land.

Do NOT block or impede traffic on the road. Including the road up and over the railroad tracks. Do not prevent access to the pump house. Do NOT prevent the towns trucks from being able to turn around.

Do NOT swim in the reservoir. This is DRINKING WATER for the town! Do not go down to the water or throw things into the water.

The Railroad tracks are owned by Ulster County, and may become a rail trail in the future.

The forest from the Railroad tracks up to the ski slope are beautiful, and easy to follow.

When hiking up the two ski slopes please stay to the edge of the forest. There are Blue Trail Markers on the trees. Unfortunately, someone put them up incorrectly. So, do NOT walk into the forest when you see one.

People get confused and lost on the ski slopes because they are poorly marked. Look for a wooden DEC sign with yellow letters of "TRAIL". At that point, you can leave the ski slopes back into the forest. Many get lost here.

The last 1/4 mile from the ski slope up to Belleayre Ridge was very poorly maintain in 2023. Many people were getting lost there. As you walk into the forest, there is an established trail with Blue trail markers. But, after a couple hundred feet, the trail and markers disappear. Just keep hiking in the same direct. At some point, you will encounter a trail that goes straight up the hill. Follow that trail. Near the top the trail gets a little windy, But, you will soon reach Belleayre Ridge.

When you come down the Woodchuck Hollow Trail, the section after the Trail Head (DEC Registration Box) is a private property. There is a small section of the trail between the DEC registration box and a driveway that is on private property. Please stay on the trail. When you reach the private driveway, you will hike 4/10 of a mile down this private driveway. Please stay on the driveway and respect the landowner.


DIRECTIONS TO TRAIL HEAD from Exit 19 (Kingston)

  • Cathedral Glen Parking Area WGS84 (DEC): 42.1371 -74.492617 - Elevation is approximately 1,642 feet
  • Cathedral Glen Parking Area Deg/Min/Sec: N42 08 13 W74 29 33 - Elevation is approximately 1,642 feet
  • Cathedral Glen Parking Area GPS: N 42 08.226 W 74 29.557 - Elevation is approximately 1,642 feet
  • Cathedral Glen Parking Area UTM: 18N 541930 4665123 - Elevation is approximately 1,642 feet
  • Take New York State Thruway to Exit 19 (Kingston).
  • Take a RIGHT out of the NYS Thruway to Route 28 West.
  • Go approximately 33.2 miles
  • Take a left onto S Main Street (Look for large "Welcome to Pine Hill" Sign on left)
  • Go approximately 0.4 miles
  • Take a LEFT onto Bonnie View Ave
  • Go approximately 0.4 miles
  • First Parking Ara on LEFT for 4-5 cars
  • If full continue across small bridge on 1-lane road to Pump House for more parking. Do NOT block the road or pump house!


      Mile PointAltitudeNotes
      0.00 1,642' Parking Area #1 (by two wood sheds)
      0.22 1,725' Walk across small bridge and up one-lane road
    At pump house, go LEFT up to railroad tracks
    At railroad tracks, go LEFT and walk 250 feet down the tracks.
      0.27 1,742 Take a RIGHT towards the end of Cathedral Glen Reservoir and hike up dirt trail
      0.301,769' After walking up the trail 150 feet, stop and register at the DEC registration box
      1.37 2,509' Hike a little over a mile through a beautiful conifer forest until you come to your first ski slope
      1.823,044' Hike up the ski slope for 0.45 miles over two ski slopes. Always stay close to the forest.
    Take a LEFT at the DEC "TRAIL" sign and continue into the forest - Trail is not well defined, so pay attention.
    If the trail becomes hard to follow continue in the same direction as the path.
    You will continue in the same direction from the ski slope for 1,000 feet before finding the trail again.
    Once you find the trail again, turn right and head straight up the hill for a ways.
      2.043,262' You have reached Belleayre Ridge. You want to go LEFT towards Belleayre Mountain Summit (Right would take you to Belleayre Ski Center).
      2.313,378' You have reached Belleayre Mountain Summit. You want to continue STRAIGHT (Right would take you to Balsam Mountain).
      2.813,006' You have reached Hirschland Lean-to. You want to continue STRAIGHT.
      3.042,840' You have reached the trail junction for the Lost Clove Trail. You want to continue STRAIGHT.
      3.152,782' You have reached the trail junction for the Giggle Hollow Trail. You want to continue STRAIGHT.
      4.182,224' You have reached the end of the trail. You want to go LEFT down the Private Driveway.
      4.602,007' You have reached the public Woodchuck Hollow Road. You want to continue STRAIGHT.
      5.141,648' You have reached the road intersection for Station Road. You want to go LEFT down Station Road.
      5.361,574' You have reached the road intersection for Bonnie View Ave. You want to go LEFT.
      5.591,642' You have the parking area where your car is.

    Hike the Rochester Hollow Trails in the Shandaken Wild Forest

    Bonnie View Ave DEC parking area in Pine Hill
    This is the first place you can park for this hike. Do NOT block the fire hydrant! You can also drive further in and park some place off the road. Do NOT block any of the roads. Do NOT park directly next to the pump house. All of this land is owned by the DEC. If you park here, hike up the DEC road you see in the next picture.

    DEC road leading up to the Pine Hill pump house
    This is the road leading up to the Pump House and Railroad tracks. There are some places you can park off the road along the way. In the Spring it can be muddy, so use caution. If you park somewhere along this DEC road, hike up the DEC road you see in the next picture.

    Pine Hill pump house and DEC road
    On your right is the pump house. Do NOT park next to the pump house, and make sure there is space for the trucks to come in and turn around. Past the telephone pole the road continues on your left. Continue to hike past the pump house, and continue up the road on the left.
    railroad tracks that run through Pine Hill
    There are some places to park off the side of the road. This road leads to Belleayre Ski Center. Do NOT block the road for the trucks that run up-and-down this road.
    Rochester Hollow driveway stone pillars
    Once you get up to the railroad tracks. Take a LEFT and walk on the right side of the tracks. There are some open holes in the railroad base.
    Trail junction for Colonel Rochester Trail and Burroughs Memorial Trail
    This is the Pine Hill Reservoir. It is the water supply for the town's drinking water. Do NOT SWIM in the reservoir. View it from a distance. Do NOT throw trash around the reservoir. Do NOT wash anything or touch the water.
    hiking along the railroad tracks on the Cathedral Glen Trail
    This turn-off is the Trail Head for the Cathedral Glen Trail. It is on the east side of the Cathedral Glen Reservoir. You will see this turn-off after you have walked down the railroad tracks 250 feet. Walk up the trail 150 feet to the DEC Registration Box.
    DEC Registration Box for the Cathedral Glen Trail
    This is the DEC Registration Box for this hike. It is important to register. If you get lost, your registration will help Rangers find you. Once registered follow the trail uphill. It will pass through some beautiful conifer forest. On your right will be the creek.
    Belleayre ski slopes on the Cathedral Glen Trail
    After hiking up the trail 1.07 miles, you will come to a a rope gate. Once you pass the rope gate, you will be on one of two ski slopes you will hike up for this hike.

    You will hike up the ski slopes 0.45 miles. You will see blue markers on the trees. Unfortunately, the Blue Trail Markers are attached to the trees so that they are parallel to the slope. Some people have gotten lost by thinking that they need to enter the forest at that point. Do NOT leave the ski slope until you see the "Trail" sign (see in next picture). The two ski slopes you hike up will be fairly steep.

    If you return back down this trail, make sure that you remember that there are two ski slopes. Always stay next to the forest.
    upper part of the Cathedral Glen Hiking Trail
    After hiking up the two ski slopes for almost a half-mile you will see a "TRAIL" sign. This is where you will leave the ski slopes. If you look at the right side of the picture, you will see the "TRAIL" sign. Many people get confused on the ski slopes and get lost.

    The trail from the ski slopes to Belleayre Ridge is very poorly marked (at least in 2023). Most hikers get lost during this short part of the hike. After you walk into the forest, you will see a number of trail markers. Then the trail markers disappear, and the trail is very overgrown (at least in 2023). Keep hiking in the same direction until you see the trail turning straight uphill. Then the Trail Markers will appear again. Follow them up the hill until you reach Belleayre Ridge. Belleayre Ridge is an old logging road.
    Colonel Rochester Home
    As you are hiking straight up the hill to Belleayre Ridge, you will come up the trail on the right side of this picture. It is important to remember this point if you are going to return back to your car the same way. Most people going down the hill go left in the picture, and become lost. Make sure you go RIGHT if you are returning down the same path you came up.

    Belleayre Ridge Trail and Cathedral Glen Trail
    This is the top of the ridge. It is called Belleayre Ridge.

    Go LEFT towards the summit of Belleayre Mountain.

    NOTE: If you go RIGHT, it will take you to the Belleayre Lean-to in about 1/4 mile. There is another lean-to (Hirschland Lean-to) 3/4 mile in the other direction.

    Summit of belleayre mountain and trail junction for balsam mountain, belleayre ridge, and woodchuck hollow trail
    After walking 0.27 miles across the Belleayre Ridge, you will come to another intersection. This is the summit of Belleayre Mountain. You want to continue STRAIGHT.

    It is also the Trail junction to Balsam Mountain in the Big Indian Wilderness. If you want to make this a side trip, add 4.6 miles (round-trip) to this hike.
    Hirschland lean-to in the Big Indian Wilderness
    The Hirschland Lean-to is located a half mile from the summit of Belleayre Mountain. I do not believe that there is a water source for this lean-to (or the Belleayre lean-to).

    Another 1/4 mile down the trail is the trail junction to the Lost Clove Trail. You do NOT want to go down this trail (unless you have second car located there). It is a 5 mile walk from the Lost Clove Parking Area back to your car on Bonnie View Ave. Continue STRAIGHT past the Lost Clove Trail.
    Woodchuck hollow trail between giggle hollow trail and lost clove trail
    This is the section between the Lost Clove Trail and the Giggle Hollow Trail.
    top of the giggle hollow trail
    After 0.34 miles from the Hirschland Lean-to, and past the Lost Clove Trail, is Trail Junction for the Giggle Hollow Trail. Continue STRAIGHT.

    NOTE: Going down the Giggle Hollow Trail would leave you 1.5 miles from your car. In 2023, they are going to start building a bike park in the Giggle Hollow. .
    The dec registration box for the Woodchuck Hollow Trail
    After another mile down the Woodchuck Hollow Trail, you will see this DEC Registration Box. Since you have aleady registered in the Cathedral hollow box, you do not need to register here. After leaving this DEC Registration Box, you will enter private land. So, stay on the trail. And, in another 200' you will come to a Private Driveway.

    NOTE: The next short section of the trail is likely to be changed in 2023 or 2024.
    leaving woodchuck hollow road to the trail head for the woodchuck hollow trail
    This is the private driveway. If you look up the road you will see the land owners house. Please do NOT bother them. Here you want to make a LEFT and head down the driveway for 0.42 miles. After that you will be on the Public section of Woodchuck Hollow Road.
    woodchuck hollow road as it passes over dec land
    You will come around this turn. Keep walking down the private driveway.
    hiking up woodchuck hollow road to the trail head
    You will walk down Woodchuck Hollow Road for approximately 2/3 of a mile.

    When you come to the Road Intersection of Station Road, take a LEFT onto Station Road and walk to the end (0.22 miles).

    When you come to the next Road Intersection of Bonnie View Ave, take a LEFT onto Bonnie View Ave and walk another 0.22 miles back to your car.
    Bonnie View Ave DEC parking area in Pine Hill
    At this point you should reach your car, and the hiking loop is complete.


    USGS Maps of Westkill Quad
    USGS Maps of Shandaken Quad
    DEC Trail Map
    DEC Unit-Management-Plan for Shandaken Wild Forest

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