Catskill Mountaineer

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Review of Hiking Gear for the Catskill Mountains

review of tubbs flex alps
Review of Tubbs Flex Alps

Rating: 4 star rating tubbs flex alps snowshoesVery Good

Summary of Review:
Price: $240
Purchase: Purchase Tubbs Snowshoes at Tubbs

Mens Weight 4.5 / 5.0 lbs
Mens Sizes 24" / 28"
Mens Colors: Orange / Black
Mens Max Weight: 190 / 220 lbs

Womens Weight 4.0 lbs
Womens Sizes 22"
Womens Colors: Blue / Black
Womens Max Weight: 250 lbs

review of tubbs flex alps
Review of Tubbs Mountaineer

Rating: 4 star rating tubbs flex alps snowshoesVery Good

Summary of Review:
Price: $270
Purchase: Purchase Tubbs Snowshoes at Tubbs

Mens Weight 4.7 / 5.3 / 5.8 lbs
Mens Sizes 8" x 25" / 9" x 30" / 10" x 36"
Mens Colors: Green
Mens Max Weight: 200 / 250 / 300 lbs

Womens Weight 4.3 / 4.8 lbs
Womens Sizes 21" / 25"
Womens Colors: White
Womens Max Weight: 150 / 200 lbs

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