Catskill Mountaineer

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Links and Information for hiking in the catskill mountains

USGS topo maps of the Catskill Mountains

Phoenicia - Mt Tobias Wild Forest

hiking around phoenicia, Mt Tobias, and Ticetonyk
Beetree Hill
Beetree Hill - 2.92 mile trip - 2 hours. Easy. Nice hike through beautiful conifer forest on a trail rarely visited by others.

easy hike snowshoeing catskill mountains
tremper mountain
Ticetonyk View Point - 3.58 mile trip - 2.25 hours. Easy hike with a view point at the end. Side trip to Ticetonyk summit.

easy hike snowshoeing catskill mountains
tremper mountain
Tremper Mountain via Rt 40 in Phoenicia - 5.98 mile trip - 3.75 hours. Easy. Nice hike to the Tremper Fire Tower at the top of the mountain.

easy hike timber rattlesnake snowshoeing water source firetower lean-to bathroom catskill mountains
tremper mountain
Tremper Mountain via Willow Parking Area - 7.68 mile trip - 4-5 hours. Easy. Nice hike to the Tremper Fire Tower from Willow Parking Area off Jessop Road.

easy hike timber rattlesnake snowshoeing firetower lean-to catskill mountains
mount tobias
Tobias Mountain - 1.5 miles to Summit of Mt Tobias - 2.25 hours. 3.2 miles if you do the Loop Trail too. Difficult hike.

easy hike snowshoeing catskill mountains
warner creek trail
Warner Creek Trail - 13-17 miles - (Tremper Mtn - Edgewood Mtn - Plateau Mtn) - 1-2 days backpack. Moderate hike. Difficult stream crossing.

moderate hike snowshoeing timber rattlesnake firetower lean-to catskill mountains

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